Town boy lands up in a mega city. . meets a girls. Culture clash .complication arise. plot thickens. a saga of sex,Violence,crime,deception & betrayal which is thrilling, pulsating and keep u hooked to computer. Read on.................
Thursday, November 17, 2005
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
In just about 4 hours in putting my post on IIPM PM of Japan Mr. Junichiro Koizumi received a collect call from India from "Mgmt Guru".
The call conveyed the short & swift message to direct the PM to ask one of the bigger company's smaller Indian operation to gag its lowly paid employee for some "stupid" comments on blog.
the call ended with threat of relasing RKSKTL in JAPAN and also full page ad of his new Kyoto & Tokyo campus of his IIM(P) in all Japanese newspaper in FULL COLOUR & FULL PAGE.
Undersatnding the gravity the needful has been done by Japanese PM and now i must go underground or else BIG BROTHER is watching

Blog world is abuzz with IIPM Vs Truth "Fight to the finish".
The background is two bloggers Rashmi Bansal & Gaurav Sabnis exposed the so called Management guru- Arindam "pony tail" Chowdhuri & his famous "TOI Full page ad" IIPM.
IIPM responded true to its class not by denouncing bloggers claims but putting more bogus claim about a "AAJ TAK" story in which Rashmi Bansal is taking money from AMITY to denounce IIPM.
Next wave came in forms of Mental retard "students" of IIPM posting true to their worth comment on rashmi's blog putting all kind of crap doubting the identity,sexual preference etc.
then they setup fake blog denouncing the claims and one even claiming to be "real Gaurav".
Now Gaurav's employee IBM was asked to "pressurize" Gaurav to remove content from his blog else IIPM student will burn LAPTOP.( way to go guys).
Then the Happening of the Day - Gaurav Sabnis resigned from IBM. This guy actually did what he believed in.
It is very easy to say one thing but very hard to walk the talk. With impersonal blog it would have been easy for Gaurav to just delete the whole blog if necessary and carry on with his life.After all he has nothing to do with IIPM or Mr.Poneytail
Although have not met Gaurav personally but i know him through Quizzing faternity of Pune and through a common friend but after what he did would acatually like to shake hands with him.
As he did what he actually belived in. hats off to you Gaurav!!
To IIPM & Mr. Pony Tail- This guy has left his job to prove what he beileves what truth is. Can we expect same decency from your side?
I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death
your right to say it. - Voltaire
Monday, October 10, 2005
Two recent ads have used old and forgotten Hindi movie songs to great effect
1) The Radio mirchi- "Accident Ad"- two guys bang their car and instead of breaking in to obscenities break into song and dance . The song aptly used is from movie Collie and the song is "Accident ho gaya rabba rabba".
Nice mix of song and situation and then the punchline "mirchi sunnawale always khush".
Even ad dekhne wale bhi khush.
2)Recent Bajaj ad with beaustiful Kabhi Kabhi trek "tere chere se najar hathi". Nice song placement but the ad looked too far fetched.
However the use of these songs which we know so well in new places makes " my dil goes hmmmmmmmmmm"!!!
POST SCRIPT: This Mail was attributed to "MR.Vijay Kranti Dean - IIT Madras" However it turned to be a hoax. However the views hold good still
In the middle of 1965 India-Pakistan war, US govt - then a close friend of
Pakistan - threatened India with stopping food-aid (remember "PL-480"?).
For a food deficient India this threat was serious and humiliating. So much
so that in the middle of war, Prime Minister (Late) Lal Bahadur Shastri
went to Ram Leela Grounds in Delhi and appealed to each Indian to observe
one-meal-fast every week to answer the American threat. As a school boy, I
joined those millions who responded to Shastri ji's call. I continued the
fast even when the war was over and India became self sufficient in food.
Hurt deep by the national humiliation suffered at the hands of the US govt,
I had vowed to stop my weekly fast only when India starts giving aid to USA.
It took just 40 years. Last week THE day arrived. When Indian ambassador in
Washington DC handed over a cheque of US$ 50 million to the US govt, two
plane loads of food, medical aid and other relief materials were waiting to
fly to the USA. Time to break the fast? With no bad feeling about the USA,
and good wishes for the Katrina victims, this humble Indian feels proud of
the distance India has covered in 40 years. Let's celebrate a New India!"
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
What would you call someone who is trying to stop your soul from meeting from its creator - the supreme soul - god himself?
Nah think again it could be you!!!
Hypothetically the soul(sole ) purpose of us (human being) is to bid our time on earth doing Karma and fulfill our karmic destiny and meet our creator- the supreme being or whatever he/she/it is called by you.
So consequently the more time we spend on earth is actually keeping us away from the chance of life time( pun intended) to meet our creator/provider/supreme soul etc etc. to add to it we are delaying our entry into the jannat,paradise,swarg,utopia( whatever you call it).
So all those people sweating out in smelly clothes on tread mill when you can actually catch some more winks .
To all these people who deny the pleasure of sinful chocolates and other tasty foods for trying out boiled vegetables. ( another observation all health foods have no taste/yucky taste probably that's why they are health foods. need more clarity compare boiled vegetables with really well made Golgappas - gott it!! )
To all those who keep tab on their weight/waist size/BMI/sugar etc etc .
for all those who don't believe in all the above
Monday, August 22, 2005
India is full of beauty but the problem that we are just 500 million more of us to enjoy that.
Hence the tour started on a sore note as we arrived Kashmiri gate ISBT .
Boy, the station resembled Lahore railway station as on 14th August 1947. All jostling and pushing to catch elusive bus to dehradun and mussoorie. After mushy spate about"how planning would have helped" and general accusations of " not organized enough" with my partner, managed to get tickets to one of the JUNTA buses.
Horror of horrors that turned out to be the one which has raised floor due to back tyres. People familiar with UPSRTC busses can imagine the "leg space" if any. Coupled with it it was a three seater and the person sitting on extreme left had a pole to limit his body expense to the available seat only crimping us further. After 5 minutes the bus started and we felt like human but as poetic justice our JUNTA bus driver - taking the insult of driving a JUNTA bus to its heart, performed some really cool stunt and left even the venerable VOLVO behind and was the first bus to reach duration that morning at 4 am!!.
Imagine traveling 250 Km in 5.5 hour that too in middle of night and some really unsafe driving . it might look little slow but believe me it was FAST.
Managed to get the first bus to Mussoorie and then onwards Taxi to Dhanoulty. Finally at 7 reached dhanoulty. The morning sun was really beautiful and it reflected on really green fresh-from-rains country side. Rains have magical effects on mountain as if the whole mountains wrap themselves in green shawls( sorry for such lousy ones). The air was fresher and crispier. the taxi driver surprised us by putting on the ever dependable FM and airwaves were filled with kishore songs. Magical.
Rest three days were spent in simple routine Eat-sleep-wakeup-eat-sleep-roam and its combination.
Dhanoulty is really a one horse town- rest all are mare and are available for hire!!! The locals tried to temp us to various beautiful "points" but our lethargy got better of us and we just strolled on the "mall road" which is of princely 1 km!!
We managed to eat in all possible dhabas and eat whatever they have to offer. Chicken were fresh( after you order the waiter used to run to butcher shop nearby and gets it for you!!) curd tasty and spices manageable .Best part was none of the heavy dinner /lunch exceeded Rs 125 in spite of our indulgences.
All in all magical trip - more so for the company but more about it later.
CONCLUSION- Want to run from the concrete jungle-
- Start running early - Friday night if possible
- Book EVEN bus tickets - night journey in night busses break your back
- Book GMVN hotel- cleaner and service is good- drawbacks - have to book it from New Delhi in advance- will not provide precise guidelines even to reach their own property.
- Mobile does not work- so carry it only for listening to FM.
- Dhanoulty town or GMVN guest house by quirk fate only receives two channels- ZEE SMILE AND AAJ TAK - so if you hate both AVOID the trip.
- However if you want lazy morning, misty afternoon and magical evening and don't miss the hustle bustle of the city . HIGHLY recommended.
In case any more information required feel free to drop line at at
Friday, August 12, 2005
May be it is more fun this way!!
Typical format
Guy: you are so cute , will you got out for coffee with me
Girl: Slap, Cant you go anywhere on your own. Do you take your mommy for even susu( pissing)!
Q: Kiskee Bajee?
options are:
a) Ladke ki
b) Ladki Ki
c) Mommy Ki !!!
Found it really funny
Imagine a future take:
Caller: Madam i won the price now i am here to take my Diamond( prize)
RJ: what prize , the contest is called kiske bajee so submit your name & number and i will announce it in tommrow's show- with sounds of drums and shouts of BAJEEEEEEEEEEE!!
another Question
b) VJ Ki?
c) Phone Company Ki?
Answers awaited!!!!
Monday, June 27, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Discussions Discussions
Verbose people all around you from morning till night . Verbal diarrhea at its best.
No wonder in India discussions never end . I have a theory on this.
The reason for Indian argument never end is .......
The English saying "We can discuss that till the cows come home" well the English end their discussion in evening after The English cows come back to their home after having English grass in English meadows( how romantic!!).
In Indian situtation The "Cows never come home ".Cows wander in the street ,block the traffic,gore people to death , cause traffic jam BUT never come home
So Indian argument continues......
Friday, May 13, 2005
i know some of you have seen the movie more times than i have but some how even today i have not come across anybody observing that the title song "andaz apna apna " is missing from the movie!!I distinctly remember that the song was shot and also featured in the print posters and publicity( actually a had a poster for long time but sadly misplaced it). The scene on poster was Raveena,Karshima,Amir & Salman Driving a cycle with four seat(the one in which all four seats are in row ).The lyrics of the song were( correct me if wrong!!)
i wait your confirmation/comment
Thursday, May 12, 2005
For all those who have the fortune of spending their time at Kendriya Vidyalayas or KV's -
The eternal song which we have to "croon" under hot sun at 9.30 and at all annual functions was "Bharat ka Swarnim Gaurav Kendriya Vidyalaya Layega"( roughly translated " The golden age of India will be brought by Bright kids of KV).
I dunno how much I contributed in bringing the "Golden age of India" but had my more than fair share in bringing cacophony to already disoriented singing in school times.
We few friends deliberately either upped or lowered the tempo to make the whole singing more fun for us and frustating for our dedicated music teacher. I believe the major reason for her grey hairs.
This is an public apology for all the grey hairs. sorry madam!!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Why don’t people understand that Pakistan as a country exists only on its hatred towards INDIA cannot have lasting peace with India.
If there is peace between India and Pakistan, Pakistan losses its purpose of existence.
Remember in 1947 the only reason of Pakistan creation was that Muslim feudal landlord of Pakistan and Western UP wanted to have their own political sphere. Our then gora masters granted this wish of theirs.
Today the feudal lords have changed into respectable politicians and joined by a rogue army and jehaadi fanatics, All supporting each other
All of them can survive only by waging a war proxy or direct with India.
So banish all thoughts of lasting peace. The current lull is due to the big stick of USA.
However someday better sense will prevail on USA and it will realize that its “Natural Ally” is its real “Axis of Evil”.
In fact Pakistan is a fit case of unilateral intervention by USA . The 4 necessary conditions for the same are :
1) It posses means and will to employ chemical and biological warfare against “western interests”.
2) It is controlled by a dictator, backed by army and has effectively killed democracy.
3) It has clear and evident link with terrorist organization, which work against “western interests”.
4) It has proved track record of nuclear proliferation and an easy target for sourcing a “dirty bomb” by terrorists.
I foresee that in near future USA will have to disarm Pakistan of its Nuclear capabilities and the process has actually started.
Will love to hear junta’s feedback on same at
Monday, April 11, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
my view- if casting couch exist so what?
if somebody is "throwing" at you why not giver to her demands like any self respecting warm blooded male/female would do.
Shakti did not approach the girl for f$#@# she approached her for "help" knowing well that our own Shakti is famous for you- know-what and is not a director and producer add to it he himself is not much in demand himself.
i challenge India TV to do the same with 1 politician and the they will be slapped with 100 charges and shunted out of industry as Tarun Tejpal of Tehleka.
It is blatant invisaion of privacy and INDIA TV is doing that just as a eyeball catcher.
PS: My suggestion to India TV is not to stop the "string operation" at the time of "preposition" only. why not make it a celebrity sex tape ( a la Paris Hilton) this will help in their eye ball catching mission after who all who will not like to watch "hackaon hackaon Nandu sabh ka bhandu in real life action???
Thursday, February 24, 2005
A blind man was waiting to cross the road when his guide dog peed on his leg. He reached into his pocket and took out a biscuit for the dog.
A passer-by, who had seen everything remarked, "That's very tolerant of you after what he just did."
"Not really," came the reply. "I'm just finding out where his mouth is, so I can kick him in the nuts
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
had a long day on Monday and it get reflected on Tuesday morning did not feel like getting up in the morning.
managed to take a bath(4 days ina row !!!) and stumbled into the bus. Horror of horror had a 500 Rs note to pay for the fare.
The conductor managed to give "sane advice" about how irresponsible people are carrying such big denomination notes, all the stupid junta also nodded in agreement.
If the govt cant provide change why does it issues such denomination and the bank ATM insist in churning them out instead of the smaller ones in demand.
Managed to read 40 pages of the War of the world by H G Wells.Got it hardbound with "Time Travel" at dirt cheap price from Fort Mumbai.
Got a call from a "placement consulatant". they are like shadows they run away when you chase them and if you stand still they stand next to you.
journey back to home was uneventful apart from a eve teasing incident. The guy got ear full of choicest punju abuses from junta in genaeral and some threatening guestures just for blinking to a gal.
Was generally depressed due to certain karmic connections.managed to pep myself after watching "enemy at the gates" nice war flick. the heroine looked real eye candy. who wont kill for the promise of such beauty.
may be some day.....
Monday, February 21, 2005
PHEW Indian marriages no matter people stick to one marriage as they are too scared to do the rituals again.You are made a complete jackass for the day or two (or may be for life, depending on how you look at it) . Made to do obscure rituals which might have significance in agrarian culture of yore but look completely ridiculous in modern times.
Had a great time with rajasthani food (the battle of bulges was forgotten for a day or two and i dig myself into plate full of sweets. In fact they served the main course after you had enough of sweet dishes.
Finally really happy for my friend as after lots of sleepless nights going through responses to his matrimonial ad and detailed discussions with him on merits of matching hobbies for successful marriage.he finally settled down with a girl who is symmetrically opposite to her!!!
managed to sneak in "black" in a recently opened MALL in the hinterlands the hall was good, the movie great and the performances electrifying.
The dialogues and movie justified my decision of buying a black car as the venerable AB says "black is the color of achievement"- amen.